Our Services
What We Do
Concrete Aprons & Garages
Driveway Aprons & Garages
Foundation Repair
Basements, Water & Foundations
Drain Tile & Yard Drainage
"Waterproof" your home
Masonry & Chimney Repair
Chimney Repair, Tuck Pointing, Restorations
Exterior Concrete Patios & Driveway
Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks and Aprons
Let's Solve the Problem
It all starts with a conversation and an in-home consultation about your problem.
Foundation repair, chimney renovation, drain tile & water management.
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Foundation Repair
Foundations are a crucial part of the structure of your home and are usually ignored until there’s a problem. People put off foundation repair because it’s overwhelming. But in reality, having it looked at before it gets really bad, to the point where the wall needs to get replaced, can save you money. Since foundations are such a fundamental part of the structure, you need to make sure they remain in good repair.

If your house has walls and ceilings that are no longer level, bowing walls, or improperly fitting doors, that can be a sign of settling and shifting in the foundation.

Chimney Repair & Masonry
Chimney Flue Repair
Chimney Crown Repair
Chimney Flashing Repair
General Chimney Maintenance
Chimney Cap Repair
Chimney Liner Repair
Tuck Pointing for Grout
Various Masonry Work
If you’re looking for this (or another form of chimney repair) in Burnsville, Edina, Richfield, Bloomington or any other place in the Minneapolis south metro, then we’d be honored to serve you.Christian Brothers specializes in chimney repair, concrete, and masonry repair on homes in the south and west metro.
Exterior Concrete
Concrete driveways, steps, sidewalks, concrete aprons, patios, concrete curbing and stepping stones in landscaping are just the beginning of what we can create. If you already have old concrete or asphalt in place, we will tear it out and fill the area with compacted soil. We will grade it to the proper height, level it out, and add reinforcement like rebar and expansion joints. Then, we will pour new concrete that will last you for many decades to come! We can pour traditional smooth trowel or broomed concrete, or we can give you a decorative concrete option that will tie together your landscape and make everything look fantastic! Either way, concrete is durable all year round and will last a very long time.