Foundation repair is really all about water management & structural integrity. If you want the job done correctly, efficiently, and to be treated well throughout the process; then give us a call.
We specialize in identifying and solving these complex foundation and leak issues, whether it's leaks in your walls or shifts in your foundation.
Poor soil conditions, faulty construction materials, or simply age can cause foundation problems. If your basement is damp, has walls pushing in, or has obvious cracks, you’re almost certainly dealing with foundation problems that need to be addressed.
When your basement starts to leak or your walls are wet like the photo to the left, often times the problems have to do with drainage. The easiest and first step we will take is to make sure that your gutters and downspouts are doing everything possible to bring water away from your foundation. Don't just waterproof your basement walls or fill cracks, you need to get the water away from your home.
Driveway Aprons & Garages
Basements, Water & Foundations
"Waterproof" your home
Chimney Repair, Tuck Pointing, Restorations
Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks and Aprons
It all starts with a conversation and an in-home consultation about your problem.
Foundation repair, chimney renovation, drain tile & water management.
Minnesota homeowners need to make sure that there sump pump is set up properly and that it has the necessary capacity for whatever predicament they find their home in concerning water. Some homes need a more robust sump pump solution than others.
Making sure that the water around your home doesn't pool up against your basement walls is critical, and drain tile is one of the most thorough solutions to a leak in basement.
After we help manage the water and pooling in your yard or around the exterior of your basement, we will make sure that your basement walls are waterproofed with good hydraulic cement and best in class materials.
Sometimes, basement walls simply need to be rebuilt and the foundation needs to have repair. Christian Brothers construction has been doing this for over a decade, and we are confident that we are one of the best foundation repair solutions in Minnesota.
We're a family owned, integrity based concrete, masonry, foundation & chimney repair company based out of Burnsville. We service the entire south metro Minneapolis St. Paul Twin Cities region, including these communities.